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4 Reasons To Use Reusable Grocery Bags

4 Reasons To Use Reusable Grocery Bags

Whenever the customers pay their bills and collect items at the grocery store, you repeat the same line, ‘Kraft paper bag or plastic bag?.’ Either of them is not better than the reusable grocery bag. It is the best choice if the customers carry their reusable grocery bags while going to the grocery and not using paper or plastic bags. It is a growing movement nationwide to encourage customers to buy and carry reusable bags to minimize global waste. Many grocery stores buy wholesale canvas tote bags and encourage consumers to buy them once and reuse them at every visit. If you still haven’t switched to this system, have a look at the amazing benefits it will give you.

Marketing of your business

Apart from being environmental- friendly, reusable tote bags can serve as the medium of advertisement for your business. You can order canvas or cotton tote bags with your name and logo printed on them with a catchy quote. Every customer who buys your reusable tote bag will serve as a walking advertisement for your business. Wherever they carry your bag, more people will get to know about your business and its environmentally friendly strategy. It will cast a huge positive impact on your business and bring more customers to your shop.

Conserve resources

Research tells us you can drive a mile in a car with the same amount of gasoline that is consumed while manufacturing 14 plastic bags. It is an epic piece of data that tells you how much resources we waste using plastic bags. Twelve million barrels of oil are used annually in the US to make plastic bags each year. Suppose people decide to cut down the use of these disposable bags and switch to reusable bags. In that case, they can add to conserving many resources. You can easily buy bulk tote bags wholesale and distribute them among your customers at the lowest rates to encourage them.

Avoid recycling problems

While many paper and plastic bags are recyclable and seem environment-friendly, you may not be aware that recycling is not a piece of cake. It takes a lot of time to recycle bags. Sometimes, they get snagged on the conveyor belts and wheels, interrupting the machinery. The clogged waste gets stuck in the machinery, which is very difficult to remove. If you switch to using reusable bags, you may get rid of this problem.

Protect wildlife

More than 100,000 marine animals die each year by mistakenly eating plastic shopping bags. These innocent creatures can not differentiate between their food and plastic waste and end up dying. Moreover, these bags snagged in trees can trap small birds who are unable to see them. If you switch to reusable bags, you can protect wildlife from dying miserably. Buy wholesale cotton bags today and encourage your customers to buy them to save wildlife. 

Final Thoughts

Firstly it would seem a little hard to make the switch, but once you introduce reusable bags at your store, your customers will love the idea. They will feel more comfortable while grocery shopping at your store, as they will feel satisfied by opting for an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Don’t hesitate and order your bulk tote bags from Tote Bag Mart at wholesale rates. We have a huge variety of tote bags and also offer printing services. You can get your logo printed in our premium quality reusable tote bags and get it delivered to your doorstep. Order through us once, and the quality of our bags will speak for itself, making you our regular customers. 

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